Monday, March 14, 2011

For a mere $4.99 (and a Mac), amaze your friends with hidden iOS 4.3 iPad gestures

Earlier, we noted that a beta release of iOS 4.3 had new gestures on the iPad which could remove the need for the home button, as well as adding other features. Those gestures didn't show up in the public release of iOS 4.3, but you can still have them, if you pay a mere $4.99 (and you have a Mac).

For example, the aforementioned home screen button replacement is to pinch with at least four fingers to go to the home screen from any app. Meanwhile, if you swipe four or five fingers to the left or right, you can navigate through the open apps, or if you swipe four fingers up you can access the playback buttons and running apps tray, including Airplay controls (swipe down of course reverses that).

These gestures are something developers have access to, for free, right now, as Apple wants feedback from them on the gestures. What if you are not a developer? You can also have access to the gestures, assuming you have a Mac and $4.99. The Xcode 4 app is in the Mac App Store and download it and follow the following instructions and you will be good to go.

  • Launch Xcode and connect your iPad to your Mac. It will appear in the devices list in Xcode.
  • Click the “Use for development” button.
  • Click cancel when Xcode asks you for your iOS developer credentials and ignore the error; it won't matter.
  • Once the developer mode activation is complete, go to your iPad General preferences section and turn on the new multi-gestures.

This will work on either iPad 1 or 2 using iOS 4.3.  For those who really, really need to be on the bleeding edge, you can now amaze them your friends with gestures they can't perform. You can take a look at the new gestures below.

Via: Gizmodo

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