Tuesday, March 15, 2011

iOS DST SNAFU makes a return 2011 appearance

Since Apple released iOS 4.2.1 and iOS 4.3 since the last time the world experienced an iOS DST FUBAR, one might hope that alarms were firing at the right time after the latest DST change, on Sunday, March 13. For some users, that would be hoping in vain.

Reported on Twitter and the Official Apple Support forums, the Clock app on the iPhone and iPod touch are experiencing the same kind of issues that occurred late last year when we all "fell back." This time, of course, we are "springing forward," and the issues are occurring without regard to AT&T or Verizon network. They also don['t seem to care which device model you have.

Due to all this, the #applefail hashtag is doing quite well in terms of activity, thank you.

Some are saying that the quick fix is to reboot the device, or to go into airplane mode and then back out of it. Turning it out of automatic mode, where the device gets its time / date from the carrier, also seems to work (but one would expect that).

Even more strangely, some are saying the time changed correctly, springing forward, but then fell back overnight. One commenter at the Apple thread said:
+1 I had the same issue with my 3gs. Yesterday the time was fine, it changed correctly. This morning I woke up to find that it had reverted back 1 hr. My partners iphone 4 was fine though. We're both on 4.2.1. I had to restart my 3gs for it to switch to the appropriate time, I should not have had to do this after the fact.
It's hard to understand why Apple can't seem to get this right without multiple tries, but it might cause a rise in wind-up alarm clock sales.

Via: EngadgetApple Forums

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