Monday, March 14, 2011

Wi-Fi only Xoom to arrive at Staples on March 27, $599: leaked ad

We knew it was coming, and earlier rumors pointed to early April. Now a leaked Staples ad seems to point to a slightly earlier timeframe for the wi-fi only Motorola Xoom: March 27.

The information comes via Droid-Life. The leaked Staples ad clearly says the wi-fi only version of the Xoom will be available on March 27, at least from Staples.

The Motorola Xoom is the world's first Honeycomb device, and thus is the first one to really be able to stand toe-to-toe with the iPad, even the iPad 2. The Xoom has similar, or even superior hardware specs when compared to the iPad 2. It's price, however, has been criticized.

In many cases people are comparing it to the lowest-tier iPad 2 (or iPad). That would be a wi-fi only model with only 16GB of storage. The Xoom has 3G, and will received a free 4G upgrade, and also has 32GB of storage. It compares most closely to the $729 wi-fi + 3G iPad 2.

The new wi-fi only Xoom will also carry 32GB of storage, and will be most comparable to the wi-fi only iPad 2 with 32GB of storage. That is priced at $599, the same as the wi-fi only Xoom. There have been rumors that Sam's Club would be carrying the device at $539, but that has been unconfirmed.

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