Saturday, March 5, 2011

The iPad 2 smart cover: based on a bath tub lid?

Apple CEO Steve Jobs made a big deal out of the new "Smart Covers" that magnetically attach to the front (only) of the iPad 2. What inspired the Smart Cover? Apparently, it could either be a bathtub cover, or another case.

In Japan, bath tub lids are a common item. It's because bathing in Japan, is different than in the U.S.
Rather than being drained at the end of each bath, the water is kept warm by means of special heaters, and the same water is used by all the family members. After use, some homes take the hot bath water from the tub and use it to wash clothes in a washing machine. A lid is placed on the tub to maintain the water temperature when not in use, and to prevent evaporation. Any hair or debris is scooped from the water after the bath.
As strange as that might seem to be, there's a possible more serious copycat accusation aimed at Apple: that it copied the idea for the Smart Cover from InCase's own Convertible Magazine Jacket. We'll admit, there is a degree of similarity between the two. Seriously though, we think comparing it to a bath tub lid is a lot more fun.

Via: AsiaJinTechnologizer

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